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The pre-save script

The pre-save scripts are located in /sourcecode/apis/contentauthor/public/js/presave. There you will find a folder for each H5P library that Edlib has a pre-save script for. The folder name is the machineName of the H5P library, and the contents is a single presave.js file. If you are creating a new H5P library that can give score, you should include the presave.js in the H5P package.

H5P behavioural settings

A H5P library can have settings that adjust the behaviour of the H5P. Like if the user is allowed to retry, or if there should be a "Show solution" button available. There are also settings that can affect the max-score, you will have to take these settings into account in the pre-save script. The example below has two settings that affects the max-score. Some behaviour settings could, by itself or in combination with other settings, make the max score value impossible to calculate when the H5P is saved. In these cases 0 should be returned by the pre-save script.

Adding the script to the library

In order to get the script to run, the presave.js file must be in the H5Ps library folder in Edlib. Content Author has an Artisan command to do the work, php artisan h5p:addPresave. After executing the command you should see a list of H5P libraries with the result. If the script already exist, it will not be overwritten. In order to replace the presave.js for a library, you must either delete the existing file before executing the Artisan command, or copy the file manually.

Max score in the database

The max_score value is stored in the Content Author database in the table h5p_contents. The value will be a positive integer if the max score is calculated. A value of null means that the max score has not been calculated, or that a value was not returned, usually because of an error. And a value of 0 means that the calculation was done but max score is not supported by the H5P library, or that the value could not be calculated. There is also a column that indicates if the value was calculated by the bulk calculation in Edlib Admin, if so bulk_calculated will be set to 1.

Minimal pre-save script

If we have a H5P library, let's call it H5P.SingleScore, that always has a max-score of 1, the presave.js would be very simple.

var H5PPresave = H5PPresave || {};

// Machine name of the H5P library as array key
H5PPresave['H5P.SingleScore'] = function (content, finished) {
const presave = H5PEditor.Presave;

// Not really necessary here, but validates that the score is
// a positive integer, throws an exception if not

// Return object with `maxScore`
finished({maxScore: 1});

The function is called in the function process in sourcecode/apis/contentauthor/vendor/h5p/h5p-editor/scripts/h5peditor-pre-save.js. maxScore is added to the data sent to the server if the pre-save script returns an object where maxScore as an integer.


This is the presave.js for the H5P.MultiChoice library.

var H5PPresave = H5PPresave || {};

* Resolve the presave logic for the content type Multi Choice
* @param {object} content
* @param finished
* @constructor
H5PPresave['H5P.MultiChoice'] = function (content, finished) {
var presave = H5PEditor.Presave;
var score = 0;
var correctAnswers = 0;

if (isContentInvalid()) {
throw new presave.exceptions.InvalidContentSemanticsException('Invalid Multi Choice Error');

if (isSinglePoint()) {
score = 1;
else {
correctAnswers = content.answers.filter(function (answer) {
return answer.correct === true;
score = Math.max(correctAnswers.length, 1);


finished({maxScore: score});

* Check if required parameters is present
* @return {boolean}
function isContentInvalid() {
return !presave.checkNestedRequirements(content, 'content.answers') || !Array.isArray(content.answers);

* Check if content gives one point for all
* @return {boolean}
function isSinglePoint() {
return (presave.checkNestedRequirements(content, 'content.behaviour.singlePoint') && content.behaviour.singlePoint === true) ||
(presave.checkNestedRequirements(content, 'content.behaviour.type') && content.behaviour.type === 'single');

The default value of score is 0, the script should always return an object with a maxScore property. If not the value in the database will be null, indicating that the score was not caclulated or an error occured.

In the isSinglePoint function, we check for two behaviour settings that affect the max score. The singlePoint setting makes the H5P give one point for multiple correct answers. The other setting, type, controls whether the user can select multiple or a single alternative as their answer.

If neither of these two are set, the alternatives are checked and the number of correct answers are counted.