Keeping an open-source project alive is like gardening your plants - you'll need to give the project water and space to grow, but you must also make sure to provide the soil with some needed nutrients now and then. Furthermore plant must be kept healthy by removing obstacles like dead leaves or rearranging the position of some parts. Finally, it needs the proper exposure to the sun.
In Edlib, all this takes place over time. Over the last months, we've been working continuously with gardening by removing dead or overcomplicated code. Such gardening makes room for adding new code in a healthier and more tidy environment. You can follow this work in detail, by visiting our release overview page.
We are delighted to see a new leaf grow out of Edlib as we have received language attributions in terms of translations for Content Author - which now supports Korean (ko) language! 어서 오십시오!
We hope that many more will follow and submit translations in their langauge. Read more about translating Edlib and submit you translations today! Contact us if you have any questions.
We have also worked with improving documentation and examples on the "Edlib Docs" and you can now read all about how NDLA use Edlib.
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to contact us!
All the best
-The Edlib Team