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Setup Auth0 for Edlib

In this guide we will describe the steps to setup auth0 for Edlib.

1. Create a new API in Auth0

First of all you will need to create an API for Edlib. You find the API's page at Applications -> API's. If you have an existing API from before you can use that otherwise you can press the "Create API" Button. Below is an example of values you could use:

  • Name: Edlib
  • Identifier: edlib
  • Signing Algorithm: RS256

2. Create a scope/permission for the API

In order to give admin permission for some users you will need to create a scope. To do that you go to your newly created API and go under the permissions tab. There you can create a new scope with the following values

  • Permission: edlib:superadmin
  • Description: Highest level of permission in Edlib

3. Create an Application

You will also need to create an application for Edlib in Auth0. You find the applications page under Applications > Applications. You can now press the "Create application" button and use the following values:

  • Name: Edlib
  • Choose an application type: Single page web applications

4. Setup allowed url's for the newly created application

Go to your newly created application and press the Settings tab in Auth0. Scroll down to the "Application URIs" section and add the following URIs. <edlib-url> refers to the url of your edlib API installation. For this url would be

  • Application login URI: <edlib-url>/admin/login
  • Allowed Callback URLs: <edlib-url>/admin/login/callback
  • Allowed Logout URLs: <edlib-url>/admin/logout/callback
  • Allowed Web Origins: <edlib-url>
  • Allowed Origins: <edlib-url>

5. Create a rule to add claims needed for Edlib in your access token.

In order for Edlib to have the necessary user information the access token must contain information about the user. In order to do that in Auth0 you must go to Auth Pipeline > Rules and create a new rule. You can use the following parameters when creating it:

  • Pick a rules template: Empty rule
  • Name: Add user info for Edlib
  • Script:
function (user, context, callback) {
const namespace = '';
context.accessToken[namespace + "userId"] = user.user_id;
context.accessToken[namespace + "userName"] =;
context.accessToken[namespace + "userEmail"] =;
return callback(null, user, context);

You can set the namespace and parameter name to whatever you want as this can be configured in step 6.

6. Add environment variables to Edlib

When you are done configuring Auth0 you can now setup Edlib. You do this by setting the following environment variables:

  • EDLIBCOMMON_EXTERNALAUTH_ADAPTER_AUTH0_DOMAIN: Applications > Applications > (the edlib application created in step 3) > Settings > Domain
  • EDLIBCOMMON_EXTERNALAUTH_ADAPTER_AUTH0_CLIENTID: Applications > Applications > (the edlib application created in step 3) > Settings > Client ID
  • EDLIBCOMMON_EXTERNALAUTH_ADAPTER_AUTH0_AUDIENCE: Identifier you used for the API in step 1
  • EDLIBCOMMON_EXTERNALAUTH_JWKS_ENDPOINT: (Applications > Applications > (the edlib application created in step 3) > Settings > Domain)/.well-known/jwks.json
  • EDLIBCOMMON_EXTERNALAUTH_PROPERTYPATH_ID: The claim name you chose in step 5. In the example it is set to
  • EDLIBCOMMON_EXTERNALAUTH_PROPERTYPATH_EMAIL: The claim name you chose in step 5. In the example it is set to
  • EDLIBCOMMON_EXTERNALAUTH_PROPERTYPATH_NAME: The claim name you chose in step 5. In the example it is set to